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Alzheimer journal impact factor

Alzheimer journal impact factor

Alzheimer journal impact factor, Zunehmende Vergesslichkeit und Zerstreutheit können Anzeichen für Alzheimer sein...

by Kaz Liste A

ımpact factor:21.566 ; 2020 journal citation reports clarivate analytics: 3/208 clinical neurology ; online ıssn:15525279.

journal of alzheimer's disease

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jad has an ımpact factor of 4.472 [2020 journal citation reports source: clarivate, 2021], an hindex of 138 web of science, an hindex of 139 2020 scımago .

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alzheimer's and dementia scr journal ımpact factor history ; 2020 ımpact factor 13.68 ; ımpact factor 14.482 ; ımpact factor 12.111 ; ımpact factor .

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the journal publishes original articles emphasizing research in humans including epidemiologic studies, pathology 38/78; ımpact factor: 2.098.


16.11.2021 check ınternational journal of alzheimer's disease ımpact factor, overall ranking, rating, hindex, call for papers, publisher, ıssn, .

journal of alzheimer's disease

scımago journal rank sjr: 0.657ımpact score: 2.83overall rank/ranking: 7624hindex: 49

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as per available reports about 1631 journals, 431 conferences are presently dedicated exclusively to alzheimer s disease and about 7 articles ar.

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leading the open access field for translational research into dementia and neurodegenerative diseases, alzheimer's research & therapy is the major forum for .

the journal of prevention of alzheimer's disease

ımpact factor 2021: 4.472. the journal of alzheimer's disease is an international multidisciplinary journal to facilitate progress in understanding the .

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the journal publishes research reports, reviews, short communications, hypotheses, ethics reviews, book reviews, and letterstotheeditor. the editorinchief .

journal of alzheimers disease ımpact factor ıf 2021

ımpact factor: 4.472 2020ıssn: 13872877 print; 18758908 webıso 4: j. alzheimer's dispublisher: ıos press

journal of alzheimers & neurodegenerative diseases

4.671 2020; ımpact factor ; 11 days; submission to first decision ; 195,639 2021; downloads .

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ımpactfaktor ıf ranking. ın the clinical psychology research field, the quartile of journal of alzheimer's disease is q1. journal of alzheimer's disease .

top alzheimer's disease journals in 2021 rx communications

american journal of alzheimer's disease and other dementias ajadd is an open access journal for researchers, physicians, 5year ımpact factor 2.751.

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this multidisciplinary journal will help in understanding the neurobiology, genetics, pathogenesis, and treatment strategies 5 year ımpact factor: 4.079.

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the article list of scientific journal aad. open access journals and articles. advances in alzheimer's disease googlebased ımpact factor: 0.78

journal of alzheimers disease & dementia

the journal of alzheimer's disease jad is an international the two years line is equivalent to journal impact factor ™ thomson reuters metric.

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cites per paper >= 30 paper threshold ; 1, nature, 30,547 ; 2, scıence, 19,410 ; 3, new engl j med, 8,926 ; 4, lancet, 8,718 .

archive of "journal of alzheimer's disease reports".

read the latest articles of alzheimer's & dementia at sciencedirect, elsevier's leading platform of peerreviewed scholarly literature.

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