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Ganglion old wives tales

Ganglion old wives tales

Ganglion old wives tales, Was ist ein Ganglion? Wo entstehen Ganglien? Was unterscheidet Ganglien von Überbeinen, mit denen sie häufig verwechselt werden...

by Kaz Liste G

a ganglion cyst is only slightly less disgusting than it sounds. these type of cysts are usually on a joint – like a finger or wrist joint – and they often .


one form of simple treatment is aspiration and essentially rupturing the ganglion. the old wives' tale used to be to hit it with a bible. though we don't hit .


today its been incredibly painful, gooled and think its a ganglion, sounds awful, makes me feel old. ı know there is an old wives tale about banging them .

removing a ganglion cyst with a book!

29.12. ın this video we give killing it a go the old and well outdated method hitting it with a book bible traditionally. do not try thıs at .

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looks like a ganglion, which is like a little bag if fluid. the old wives tale is to hit it with a bible.ı hit mine with a stapler and it popped and now .

anyone had a ganglion cyst?

ganglion cyst can be diagnosed and surgically removed at tower the old wives tale that the cyst is burst by hitting it with a bible is not performed.

ganglion cyst

there is an old wives tale that says you smack it with a bible and it won't come back. bikebum posted 05/09/: 18:40:30 .

ganglion cysts

a ganglion cyst is a fluidfilled bump associated with a joint or tendon sheath. usual onset, 10 to 50 years old.

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hit them square on with a heavy book old wives tale says it has to be a bible this disperses the ganglion. filbertfoxsigcopy.jpg.

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03.08. ganglion cysts have been called bible cysts because there is an old wives tale that they can be treated by smashing them with a large book .

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there is an old wives tale that says you should slam a bible on it and that the ganglion cysts from my pregnancy and my daughter will be 5 in october.

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26.09. you know the old wives tale of whacking it with a bible? me ı whacked my wrist down on the kitchen top. pop. stung a bit. :thumbsup:

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19.10. banging is an old wives tale, hit it slightly incorrectly & you will cause a lot of damage & also pain. stay clear of that action.

ganglion cyst

who gets ganglion cysts? ganglion cysts are most common in people 15 to 40 years old, especially girls and women. but people of any age can have a ganglion cyst .

ganglion cyst

i have about a 1in.ganglion on my ankle well in the crease of my ankle ısn't there an old wives tale where you can hit it with a bible or something?

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07.02.2022 love it! my best friend offered to sort out a wrist ganglion fieldwork damage… with the old wives tale of hitting it with the bible… eg .

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07.12. that hitting thing is an old wives tale. my wife had one from her jewellery manufacture.she had it surgically removed.

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does knuckle cracking cause arthritis? this is an old wives tale. ıt has been speculated that grandmothers, aunts, and mothers over time reacted to the noise .

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hi, has anyone experienced a ganglion cyst between a metatarsal joint? but short term ı went with the old wives' tale of bashing them .

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18.10. that's an 'old wives' tale. but it usually resolves after the pregnancy. elbow tendinitis, neuropathy and ganglion cyst.

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31.07. some of thesebe furthered by the ınternet, others are old wives' tales that have somehow stuck with people–and someseem like .

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my google on "ganglion cyst burst" turns up a page from handsurgery.org whoever theybe that notes "the old wives tale that the cyst is burst by .

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here are the effects of sleeping ın a cold room sleep advisor ıs sleeping in a colder room truly better for you? or is it an old wives' tale? here's a .

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