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Pyrosis used in a sentence

Pyrosis used in a sentence

Pyrosis used in a sentence, Sodbrennen ist der Rückfluss von Mageninhalt in die Speiseröhre...

by Kaz Liste S

pyrosis definitions. 1. a painful burning sensation in the chest caused by gastroesophageal reflux backflow from the stomach irritating the esophagus; .

definition of pyrosis

the meaning of pyrosıs is heartburn. the first known use of pyrosis was in 1772 ending a sentence with a preposition.

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"zubair was a wreck, a ball of frayed nerves with a stomach full of bubbling acid that had resulted in a scorching pyrosis.

pyrosis meaning best 2 definitions of pyrosis

pyrosis definition: → heartburn bedeutung, aussprache, übersetzungen und beispiele.

pyrosis sentence examples

ı cured myself of psoriasis , a skin condition usually considered incurable, after suffering with it for 29 years. 0.

pronounce pyrosis with meaning, phonetic, synonyms and

how to use the word 'pyrosis' in sentences? here you can find pyrosis example sentences.

pyrosis in a sentence

20.11. this video shows pronunciation of pyrosis in a sentence, pyrosis meaning, dyspepsia ordauer: 0:46gepostet: 20.11.

pyrosis definition & meaning dictionary

sentences mobile cette description est traduite par le terme pyrosis. 5.7 effets sur l'homme: si ingéré, irritation locale au niveau de la gorge, vomissements .

pyrosis meaning in hindi

how to use pyrosis in a sentence dr. pereira recommends alkalies in cases of dyspepsia and pyrosis, when there is an excess of acid secreted by the stomach.


english definition of pyrosis : a painful burning sensation in the chest caused by gastroesophageal reflux loading sentence usage for pyrosis .

pyrosıs heartburn

pyrosis: ın pathology, the eructation of watery fluid, usually insipid, but sometimes acrid, attended with more or less burning pain in the epigastrium.

heartburn meaning in urdu

es fehlt: sentence muss folgendes enthalten:sentence

use of the word pyrosis in a sentence example

english how to use "zgaga" in a sentence open_in_new link to source warning request revision.

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heartburn translation is "seenay mein jalan" and heartburn synonym words pyrosis. similar words of heartburn are also commonly used in daily talk like as .

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sentence examples for pyrosis. dogs are afflicted with a disease of the stomach, which is very like to waterbrash, pyrosis, or cardialgia, .

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parts of speech analyzer tagging the sentence with adjectives, adverbs, a preposition is used before a noun, pronoun, or gerund to show place, time, .

rhymezone: pyrosis rhymes

nouns are the subject of a sentence. common noun a noun that does not name a specific person, place or thing. proper noun the pronoun is a word used in .

rhymezone: pyrosis rhymes

1. acid reflux; bile reflux; pyrosis; stomach acid when it enters the esophagus; heartburn; indigestion; water brash​.

use forty

words and phrases that rhyme with pyrosis: 248 results. 2 syllables: use pyrosis in a sentence. commonly used words are shown in bold.

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words that rhyme with pyrosis: 791 results. 5 letters: use pyrosis in a sentence. commonly used words are shown in bold. rare words are dimmed.

the athenæum: a journal of literature, science, the fine arts,

the most voted sentence example for fortyseven is she was a short, roundfaced aged fortyseven years, experienced the burning and biting of pyrosis.

a treatise on pyrosis ıdiopathica, waterbrash

many translated example sentences containing "flug geeignet ist" cylinder that will be used has to be suitable for use on aircraft, it must be [.].


the operation in a treatise on pyrosis ıdiopathica , or water brash to this question mr. lee has applied himthe necessity of medical intervention .

unscramble pyrosis

to which the name of " hysteria" is generally applied. ın the present day, therefore, when folios are out views of pyrosis by the following sentence :?.

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. frais т pl изжога pyrosis т изза предлог 1. de derrière; редко rarement изречёние sentence f, maxime f изумйтельный surprenant, .

medical definition of pyrosis

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. nom médical est pyrosis . avez vous déjà féru quelqu'une , éc . des f . la sentence pressée aux pieds nombreux de la conversion dont le pivot est .

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