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Tbc fury warrior hit cap

Tbc fury warrior hit cap

Tbc fury warrior hit cap, Tuberkulose (kurz TBC) ist eine Infektionskrankheit, die durch bestimmte Bakterien aus der Gruppe der Mykobakterien (Mycobacterium tuberculosis) hervorgerufen wird...

by Kaz Liste T

13.07.2021 gearing as a warrior dps is pretty straightforward. the most important goal to achieve is gaining your soft hit cap if duel wielding of 9%.

pve fury warrior stat priority

07.09.2021 pve fury warrior stat priority hit rating 9% – reaching 9% hit chance 142 hit rating your special attacks will never miss. expertise 6.5 .

fury warrior with hard hit cap : r/classicwowtbc

19.04.2021 fury warrior with hard hit cap yes, you should be getting hit above 9% as a fury warrior not arms because more auto hits = more rage. but .

tbc warrior guide

fury soft hit cap with precision : r/classicwow

fury warrior +hit cap

fury warrior hit cap : r/classicwow

fury warrior stats, races & consumables guide

hit soft caps at 9% with no talents. under 9% hit, talents included, hit yields the highest dps increase. expertise caps out at 6.25% with no talents or .

tbc classic fury warrior guide

expertise caps out at 6.25% with no talents or racials. hit soft caps at 9% with no talents. higher levels of ap yield more benefit from additional crit/armor .

warrior crit cap classic wow

16.07.2021 stat priority, talents, and single target rotation! the graphic was copied from my armsdauer: 2:32gepostet: 16.07.2021

warrior crit cap classic

fury warrior +hit cap ı was talking to some rogue guildies last night and they said that the +hit cap for rogues is 365. thats pretty high if .

need advice on dps fury warrior stats

fury warrior pve hit cap priority question

fury warrior dps stat priority

weitere ergebnisse von mmochampion

the care and feeding of warriors: hit and expertise for dps warriors

31.05.2021 the amount of hit chance needed to not miss any attacks is called the "hit cap". at level 70, 15.8 hit rating increases your chance to hit by .

fury warrior wotlk pve guide for wow stats

19.02.2022 stat ranking. stats will differ from person to person so always sim yourself to have the optimal stats for your gear.

how much hit rating does a prot warrior need in tbc?

maximize your pve performance in dungeons and raids by learning about the rotation, stat priority, talent builds, best consumables, best races, .

tbc dps warrior sim

tbc classic protection warrior stat priority tbc classic expertise replaces weapon skills from classic wow, now reducing the chance for your attacks to .

dps warrior stat weights?

posted: 4 days ago there's no crıt cap for fury warriors, if that's what you mean. your goal isn't to stack much crit beyond 40%, or around 35% that you have .

fury warrior

tbc classic fury warrior pve guide manawarp the ultimate arms dps iq gaming wow guide: all 3 teleskop da se bave dinastija expertise cap for warrior tbc.

guia compreensível fury warrior pve – the burning crusade classic

ı'm starting to wonder if my hit rating is overkill and ı'd be better of with less +hit. problem is all of my +hit is coming from gear, not gems. ı have zero .

how much expertise does tbc warrior need?

the best stat priority and stat weights for top dps as a fury warrior in wow shadowlands 9.2.

strength vs crit and agility

20.02. various enchants for weapons and gear make hit a stat you can reach the 'soft cap' on fairly easily for fury and for which arms can achieve all .

wow: tbc classic

16.05.2021 stats for fury warrior wotlk. stat priority. 5% hit > 26 expertise > 1400 arp > strength > crit max 57% > haste.

guide to burning crusade warrior dps gear

29.08. how much hit does a warrior tank need? do arms warriors need expertise? do tanks need hit tbc? what stats should a fury warrior focus on? what .

furor guide

tbc dps warrior sim. ported from kateparry's wow fury sim. groxempire grahand bloodsailbuccaneers. simulator bug report & feedback

triatlonac stariji građani pukotina expertise cap for warrior tbc

hit% and weapon skill scale with your weapons. ıf you have strong weapons, it's very worthwhile to go for hit as fury. conversely, it's also .

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