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Hallux valgus in chinese translation

Hallux valgus in chinese translation

Hallux valgus in chinese translation, Was ist Hallux valgus? Hier erfahren Sie mehr über Symptome, Ursachen und Behandlung von Hallux valgus (Ballenzehen)...

by Kaz Liste H

main. chinese definition, ındividual words translate as: hallux. 拇趾; valgus. 外翻膝;外翻足的人. matching results. 拇外翻, mǔ wàifān, bunion; .

hallux valgus in chinese

hallux valgus in chinese : 拇外翻…. click for more detailed chinese translation, meaning, pronunciation and example sentences.

hallux valgus

many translated example sentences containing "hallux valgus" – chineseenglish dictionary and search engine for chinese translations.

hallux valgus meaning in chinese

chinese translation for "hallux valgus" ; 1. hallux valgus deformity treated by three kinds of operations 3种手术方法分析 ; 2.

hallux valgus meaning in chinese

hallux valgus chinese translation:拇外翻;拇指外翻. click for more detailed chinese translation, definition, pronunciation and example sentences.

hallux valgus in chinese

check 'hallux valgus' translations into chinese. look through examples of hallux valgus translation in sentences, listen to pronunciation and learn grammar.

hallux valgus – chinese translation – multitran dictionary

hallux valgus sport., med. 拇外翻 脚趾. english thesaurus. hallux valgus abbr., med. bunion ch_transl. add report an error get short url .

hallux valgus

hallux valgus, chinese translation of hallux valgus, chinese definition of hallux valgus, hallux valgus in chinese, hallux valgus中文翻译.

hallux valgus — translation in chinese

many translation examples sorted by field of work of hallux valgus – englishchinese dictionary and smart translation assistant.

how to say hallux valgus in chinese? hal·lux val·gus

would you like to know how to translate hallux valgus to chinese? this page provides all possible translations of the word hallux valgus in the chinese language .

chinese translation of bunion

ın other languages. bunion american english: bunion /ˈbʌnyən/ arabic: وَرَم إِبْهام القَدَم brazilian portuguese: joanete chinese: 拇囊炎 croatian: .

hallux valgus: bengali translation, meaning, synonyms, antonyms

view the translation, definition, meaning, transcription and examples for «hallux valgus, learn synonyms, antonyms, and listen to the pronunciation for .

valgus hallux in chinese english to chinese translation

translate valgus hallux in chinese:[医] ы外翻.valgus hallux example sentences:objective to evaluate the medial longitudinal arch of the foot with and .

mandarin chinese pinyin english dictionary

yabla, a free online dictionary with english, mandarin chinese, pinyin, search with english, pinyin, or chinese characters. bunion hallux valgus .

meaning of bunion in chinese is : 拇囊炎, 姆囊炎

english to chinese dictionary meaning of bunion in chinese is : 拇囊炎, a painful swelling of the bursa of the first joint of the big toe / same as .

talipes valgus

that's why he had the hallux abducto valgus deformity and the lisfranc fracture. 穦τ 舗临τ埕埴闽竊癌ч. since we're talking about the sesamoid .

prevalence of hallux valgus in the general population

27.09. hallux valgus hv is a foot deformity commonly seen in medical to june for papers on hv prevalence without language restriction.

hallux meaning in the cambridge english dictionary

vor 6 tagen examples of hallux. hallux. the shortest hallux valgus queue moved forward in a moderate order compared with the two other, many times longer .

comparison of means standard deviations of hallux valgus of the.

ıt was observed that hallux valgus angles of chinese children were the figureground theory in the chinese poetry translation strategies: a case study .

hallux valgus therapie

hallux valgus: schiefstand der grosszehe. veranlagung und fehlbelastung führen zum xschiefstand der grosszehe mit ballenbildung, hallux valgus.


translationsedit. show ▽bump on the big toe. catalan: galindó ca m; chinese: show ▽hallux valgus. finnish: vaivaisenluu fi.

hallux rigidus

hallux rigidus krankheitsbilder des fusses ecom praxis für orthopädie, sportmedizin und unfallchirurgie ärztepartnerschaft.


wordsense dictionary: 鸡眼 meaning, definition. chinese: mandarin: 拇囊炎‎ mǔnángyán, 雞眼‎, 鸡眼‎ jīyǎn dutch: hallux valgus‎ faroese: .

translation of hallux valgus in english

hallux valgus translation on other language: a bunion is a deformity of the joint connecting the big toe to the foot and is known as a hallux abducto valgus .


look up the french to chinese translation of chevauchement in the pons online les épaisseurs sont diminuées → chevauchement d'orteils, hallux valgus.

clinical and imaging assessment and treatment of hallux valgus

13.05. first metatarsal osteotomiesachieve correction of abnormal radiographic measures by translating and rotating the distal portion of the .


bunion [med.] die xgroßzehe pl.: die xgroßzehen lat.: hallux valgus .

subject headings used in the dictionary catalogs of the library of

see lai language . hakas tribe d8432. see chinese language dialects hakka . halacha . bm515 sa midrash . talmud . hallux valgus .

definition and synonyms of hallux valgus in the english dictionary

translation of «hallux valgus into 25 languages the translations of hallux valgus from english to other languages translator english chinese.

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