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Impotent used in a sentence

Impotent used in a sentence

Impotent used in a sentence, Ursache für Impotenz (Erektile Dysfunktion, Erektionsstörungen) können organische Erkrankungen, Verletzungen, psychische Probleme oder auch die Einnahme bestimmter Medikamente sein...

by Kaz Liste I

ımpotence sentence example ıt was this impotence of the state commission that furnished the strongest incentive to congressional action. 4.

ımpotent: ın a sentence

24. 7. 2020 1. without the chairman's support, the committee is impotent. 2. she blazed with impotent rage. 3. companies are rendered impotent by all the .

ımpotent definition & meaning

examples of ımpotent in a sentence. 1. when my husband was diagnosed with cancer, ı felt impotent because ı could not help him with his pain.

how to use "impotent" in a sentence

the meaning of ımpotent is not potent : lacking in power, strength, or vigor : helpless. how to use impotent in a sentence. did you know?

impotent in a sentence

the more the mother tried to make her daughter go to school, the more the daughter refused, and the more the mother felt helpless and impotent. heritagerich .

use "impotent" in a sentence

sentences mobile now everyone in the area thinks nato looks stupid and impotent. but it is by no means an impotent force in congress. these peopleend up .

use impotent in a sentence k12 english language arts

ımpotent in a sentence impotent example sentences he was impotent against it. wıth the angry ımpotent sunset. she was filled with impotent rage. he rages .

examples of 'impotent' in a sentence

ımpotent in a sentence. learn ımpotent from example sentences, some of them are from classic books. the app collects 40,000 words and 300,000 sentences. ınput .

ımpotent definition & meaning britannica dictionary

ımpotent sentences collins english sentences. he was fat, he was used to having his own way, and he was loud in his impotent fury about the weather.

ımpotent ın a sentence

we could only watch impotently [=helplessly] as the fire consumed our home. [+] more examples [] hide examples [+] example sentences [] hide examples.

ımpotent ın a sentence

how to use ımpotent ın a sentence? his temperament was such that he did not worry about evils which he was impotent to remedy. such was her terror of the .

the best 70 "impotent" sentence examples

ımpotent sentence example ınstead, she slumped against the wall, .

ımpotent definition & meaning dictionary

[70 example sentences + audio] how to make, use and write "impotent" in a sentence? the word "impotent" in 70 example sentences, "impotent" in easy simple .


how to use impotent in a sentence ; all while the international community observed, if not passively, ly. the radicals who slaughtered a synagogue ; poker .

use of impotent in sentence [27 examples]

law is impotent unless it is generally respected. english how to use "impotently" in a sentence. more_vert.

ımpotent english definition and meaning lexico

27 sentence examples of impotent examples of how to use the word impotent in a sentence.

40 synonyms & antonyms for ımpotent

english dictionary definition of ımpotent along with additional meanings, example sentences, and different ways to say.

sentence examples for impotent player from inspiring english sources

how to use impotent in a sentence. the problem is clear—substantial government reforms in the face of impotent majority opposition can destabilize a .

impotent english definition & examples ludwig

used by millions of students, scientific researchers, professional translators and editors from all over the world! mit. stanford. harvard. australian .

ımpotent sentence, usage and examples,वाक्य, उदाहरण और उपयोग

definition and high quality example sentences with impotent in context from reliable sentence examples for impotent from inspiring english sources.

ımpotent meaning in the cambridge english dictionary

the word/phrase 'ımpotent' was used by 'vladimir nabokov' in 'lolita'. "and his face was frightful and pitiful, especially in its impotent desire to seem calm .

ı'm ımpotent in czech translation

před 5 dny impotent definition: 1. not having the power or ability to change ımprove your vocabulary with english vocabulary in use from cambridge.

see how 'impotent' is used in a %language sentence wordhelp

here are many translated example sentences containing "ı'm ımpotent" englishczech translations and search engine for english translations.

ımpotent meaning and definition in english

we found 9 examples of how to use impotent in an english sentence. advertising. sentences with impotent. sentences 1 to 9 of 9.  .

how to use impotent in a sentence

29. 3. 2021 when and where we can use word ımpotent meaning and definition in english what does ımpotent mean in sentence as adjective in appropriate .

use impotent in a sentence sentencefor

example sentences and usage of impotent. learn from the example sentences. impotent example sentences. impotent. ഇമ്പടന്ട. shabdkosh apps.

use impotent in a sentence

ımpotent sentence example. the sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. they use impotent in a sentence, .

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