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Pertussis root word meaning

Pertussis root word meaning

Pertussis root word meaning, Die meisten Menschen halten Keuchhusten für eine Kinderkrankheit...

by Kaz Liste K

pertussis definition, whooping cough. vaccines like the flu shot, or the one for diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus are word origin for pertussis.


pertussis is more commonly known as whooping cough for the distinctive, gasping "whoop" sound made during a coughing fit. pertussis is highly contagious and .

pertussıs english definition and meaning lexico

pertussis definition other word forms origin of pertussis pertussis sentence examples related articles also mentioned ın words near pertussis in the .

pertussis definition and meaning collins english dictionary

english word pertussis comes from latin per, latin tussis cough. detailed word origin of pertussis. dictionary entry, language, definition .


origin ; what does the south african term shimiyana mean? used to refer to something one cannot or does not wish to name specifically; a homebrewed alcoholic .

pertussis: meaning, origin, translation

pertussis is the medical term for whooping cough. cobuıld advanced english dictionary. copyright © harpercollins publishers. quick word challenge.

whooping cough

etymology of the word pertussıs. new latin, from latin per intensive + tussis cough. info. etymology is the study of the origin of words and their .


tussis: "cough" from latin tussis, meaning "cough", we also see this word in "antitussive drugs" which prevent coughing. explanation.

diphtheria vaccination cdc

shortterm antibiotics azithromycin for 3–5 days are as effective as longterm treatment erythromycin 10–14 days in eliminating b. pertussis with fewer .


es fehlt: root muss folgendes enthalten:root

pertussis definition, meaning, synonyms and antonyms of "pertussis"

n. an infectious disease of the respiratory mucous membrane caused by the bacterium bordetella pertussis and characterized by a series of short, convulsive .


es fehlt: root muss folgendes enthalten:root


pertussis meaning in urdu is کالی کھانسی kali khansi urdu meaning. the most accurate translation of pertussis, kali khansi in english to urdu dictionary .

epidemiological evidence for herd immunity induced by acellular

diphtheria vaccination is recommended for all babies, children, teens, and adults. and pertussis dtap vaccines; tetanus and diphtheria td vaccines .

pertussis pronounce definition and meaning ın english

pertussis. pertussis. pertussis вђњwhooping cough,вђќ 1799, from mod.l. per вђњthoroughlyвђќ + tussis вђњcough,вђќ of unknown origin. etymology dictionary.

[ppt] slide 1

"pertussis" full meaning in english, full definitions of "pertussis", synonyms of define "pertussis" in one sentence, origin and root of "pertussis".

tracking us pertussis ıncidence: correlation of public health

do not wait for laboratory confirmation of toxin production; give asap, from the term 'diphtherite', which has a greek root meaning skin or hide, .

double pertussis attack

моно, коклюш, ядовитый плющ, или как его. mono, whooping cough, poison ivy, you name it.

lipooligosaccharide, vag8, and pertussis toxin of bordetella pertussis

epidemiological evidence for herd immunity induced by acellular pertussis vaccines ın both panels, the y axis is square roottransformed. ın b, the red .

[pdf] list of greek and latin roots in english

pertussis origin of pertussis other words from pertussis words nearby .

pertussıs meaning in the cambridge english dictionary

prefix meaning 'small' / root word meaning 'viewing instrument' / suffix meaning pertussis per tuss siss a similar infection affecting the larynx, .

the crystal structure of pertussis toxin

24.12. coughing in pertussis can last for many weeks, resulting in late diagnosis for each method we computed the rootmeansquare error rmse .

medical terminology basics: programmed ınstruction

learn the translation for 'double pertussis attack' in leo's english double bevel butt joint with broad root face [tech.] edit your word lists.

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