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Phlebitis meaning in urdu

Phlebitis meaning in urdu

Phlebitis meaning in urdu, Bei einer Venenentzündung sind die hautnahen Venen, meist im Bereich von Krampfadern, entzündet...

by Kaz Liste V

phlebitis meaning in urdu is vareed ki sozash. pronunciation of phlebitis in roman urdu is "vareed ki sozash" and translation of phlebitis in urdu writing .

phlebitis meanings in urdu

phlebitis meanings in urdu is فلبیٹس phlebitis in urdu. more meanings of phlebitis, it's definitions, example sentences, related words, .

meaning of phlebitis in urdu

phlebitis or venitis is the inflammation of a vein, usually in the legs. ıt most commonly occurs in superficial veins. read more at wikipedia. more words .


phlebitis : inflammation of a vein usually in the legs , .

meaning of phlebitis in urdu is : وريد کي سوزش, انتڑيوں کا ورم

english to urdu dictionary meaning of phlebitis in urdu is : وريد کي سوزش, phlebitis , deep vein thrombosis, embolism, and infection, among others.

urdu meaning of phlebitis

phlebitis or venitis is the inflammation of a vein, usually in the legs. ıt most commonly occurs in superficial veins. continue reading from wikipedia, the free .

english to urdu meaning/translation of phlebitis

meaning and definitions of phlebitis, translation in urdu language for phlebitis with similar and opposite words. also find spoken pronunciation of phlebitis in .

phlebitis meaning in urdu

phlebitis noun کِسی رگ کی اَندرُونی جھِلّی ميں سوزِش ۔ ورَم ۔ سُوجَن ۔ find meaning and translation in urdu to english to urdu dictionary having .

phlebitis meaning in urdu & english

showing meaning of word : "phlebitis". 0+ software download. englishurdu dictionary. ورید کی سوزش ۔ انتڑیوں کا ورم ۔ english to english dictionary .

phlebitis meaning in urdu

ورید کی سوزش. urdu translation, definition and meaning of english word phlebitis. you are seeing phlebitis translation in urdu.

what does phlebitis mean?

definition of phlebitis in the definitions dictionary. meaning of phlebitis. what does phlebitis mean? ınformation and translations of phlebitis in the .

phlebitis meaning ın urdu vareed ki sozash ورید کی سوزش

english word phlebitis meaning in urdu online dictionary. phlebitis similar english words for with meanings. translate phlebitis to urdu and roman urdu words .

english word/sentence phlebitis meaning in urdu

phlebitis meaning in urdu and pronunciation, similar words, definition, related words, part of speech and english to urdu translation of phlebitis.

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phlebitis meaning in urdu: phlebitis learn detailed meaning of phlebitis in urdu dictionary with audio prononciations, definitions and usage.


thrombophlebıtıs meaning in urdu thrombophlebıtıs definition. noun. 1 phlebitis in conjunction with the formation of a blood clot thrombus.


original text, meaning. phlebitis [general], الإلتهاب الوريدي؛ التهاب العرق؛ الْتِهابٌ وَرِيْدِيٌّ. chlorotic phlebitis = anemic phlebitis [medical] .

phlebitis definition and meaning collins english dictionary

phlebitis definition: inflammation of a vein meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples.


phlebitis meaning in gujarati is a translation of phlebitis in gujarati dictionary. click to see meaning, synonym, antonym for word phlebitis.

phlebitis meaning in urdu

thrombophlebitis is a phlebitis inflammation of a vein related to a thrombus blood clot. when it occurs repeatedly in different locations, .


dictionary definition translation and meaning of phlebitis, phlebitis in urdu, what does phlebitis mean, phlebitis translation in urdu.


translation for 'phlebitis' in the free englishmalay dictionary and many other malay translations.

varıcose veıns meaning in urdu

phlebitis is an english word started with p. here is the definition of phlebitis in urdu. phlebitis: وريد کي سوزش ـ انتڑيوں کا ورم. ad. phlebitis .

phlebitis meaning

translations in context of "varıcose veıns" in englishurdu. here are many translated risk prevention of varicose veins thrombosis and thrombophlebitis.

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20. 4. video shows what phlebitis means. ınflammation of a vein, usually in the legs. phlebitistrvání: 0:17zveřejněno: 20. 4.

urdu meaning of phl page 3 urdu english dictionary

phlebitis: ıt is the inflammation of the veins. ın this study, phlebitis means a painful swelling and raised temperature at the intravenous infusion site along .

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کِسی رگ کی اَندرُونی جھِلّی ميں سوزِش ۔ ورَم ۔ سُوجَن ۔ 15, phlebıtıs noun report error! درید کی سوزش ، انتڑیوں کا ورم ۔ 122 .

blood clots

22. 2. superficial thrombophlebitis, superficial phlebitis, thrombosis of superficial veins. authoritative facts from dermnet new zealand.

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