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Another word for tetanus

Another word for tetanus

Another word for tetanus, Wundstarrkrampf ist eine lebensgefährliche Infektionserkrankung...

by Kaz Liste W

lockjaw. nounnervous system infection. tetanus trismus.

tetanus synonyms & antonyms

what is another word for tetanus? noun. a serious and often fatal disease caused by the infection of an open wound with the anaerobic bacterium clostridium .


tetanus, lockjawnoun. an acute and serious infection of the central nervous system caused by bacterial infection of open wounds; spasms of the jaw and laryngeal .

synonyms for tetanus

synonyms for tetanus. nounan acute and serious infection of the central nervous system caused by bacterial infection of open wounds. synonyms.

another word for tetanus > synonyms & antonyms

ictus,; tracheocele,; tularemia,; seizure,; enteric fever,; loaiasis,; measles,; heartburn,; struma,; cachectic fever,; dengue fever,; hydrophobia,; cowpox, .

tetanus synonyms

2. tetanus ; synonyms. muscle contraction muscular contraction ; antonyms good health incorruptness ; etymology. tetanus latin τέτανος ancient greek to .

tetanus synonyms

10 tetanus synonyms. what are another words for tetanus? lockjaw, trismus, catalepsy. full list of synonyms for tetanus is here.

tetanus definition & meaning dictionary

another way to say tetanus? synonyms for tetanus other words and phrases for tetanus.


also called tetanus bacillus. bacteriology. the bacterium, clostridium tetani, causing this disease. physiology. a .


tetanus is a disease of the nervous system spread by bacteria. that's why tetanus is also called lockjaw. people have the greatest synonyms: lockjaw.


der tetanus von altgriechisch τέτανος tetanos, deutsch ‚spannung, krampf', auch wundstarrkrampf und starrkrampf genannt, ist eine häufig tödlich .

definition and synonyms of tetanus in the english dictionary

tetanus, also known as lockjaw, is a bacterial infection characterized by muscle spasms. ın the most common type, the spasms begin in the jaw and then .

tetanus definition & meaning

etymology of the word tetanus pronuncıatıon of tetanus grammatıcal category of tetanus what does tetanus mean ın englısh? words that rhyme wıth tetanus.


the meaning of tetanus is an acute infectious bacterial disease characterized by tonic spasm of voluntary muscles especially of the jaw and caused by an .

tetanus disease lockjaw cdc

popular synonyms for tetanus and phrases with this word. words with similar meaning of tetanus at thesaurus dictionary synonym.tech.


tetanus is an infection caused by bacteria called clostridium tetani. when the bacteria invade the body, they produce a poison toxin that causes painful .

tetanus meaning in the cambridge english dictionary

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synonyms and antonyms for tetanus

tetanus definition: 1. a serious disease caused by bacteria entering the human of tetanus from the cambridge advanced learner's dictionary & thesaurus .

tetanus noun definition and synonyms macmillan dictionary

synonyms. lockjaw. etymology. tetanus english. tetanus latin τέτανος ancient greek to 1453. featured games. sea scrambler.

slang for tetanus related terms

tetanus ​definitions and synonyms. ​noun uncountable. uk /ˈtetə .

synonyms of tetanus ınfoplease

pepper, lock jaw, carpenter job, hippie killer, and liver board. there are 7 other synonyms or words related to tetanus listed above. note that due to the .

diphtheria, tetanus, and acellular pertussis booster vaccine

noun. 1. tetanus, lockjaw, infection: usage: an acute and serious infection of the central nervous system caused by bacterial infection of open wounds; .


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another term for tetanus

tetanus meaning: a dangerous disease that is caused by bacteria that usually enter the body through a cut or wound.

diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis dtap vaccine

another term for tetanus — puzzles crossword clue ·.or hair on chin another term for tetanus bacterial infection of the nervous system; tetanus disease got .

dtap and tdap vaccines diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis

the national vaccine ınjury compensation program how can ı learn more? brand names brand names of combination products other names .

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